The Westside staff and faculty are excited to welcome you!
We understand the start of a new school year can be hectic. 在这里, 我们希望提供一些有用的信息和资源,帮助你在新学年的开始.
我们的目标是让每个学生都能成功,共同学习、成长和激励. 我们希望学生和他们的家人在新的一年开始之前就能感受到兴奋和期待,并积极参与到学习中来. This is going to be a great year, Westside!
Monday, August 19th | Fall Sports Begin
- 男孩们的足球 → Jason Housley | housley@qx9892.com
- 女孩足球 → Craig Laughland
- 越野→斯科特·鲍尔| ball@qx9892.com
- 排球→克里斯蒂娜·托姆| thom@qx9892.com
- 欢呼→克里斯蒂·威尔逊| cwilson@qx9892.com
If your student is playing a fall sport, 最新的体检必须在8月19日前提交或通过电子邮件发送到我们的前台, 2024. 学生需要有一个OSAA物理档案,以参加WCHS田径. 这个表格可以找到 在这里. Sports Physicals are good for two years. 问题? 接触athletics@qx9892.com
Tuesday, 8月20日 | Freshmen “Thrive” event
新生成长活动, 定于星期二, 8月20日, is designed to ensure our incoming students feel comfortable, 通知, and excited about their Westside Christian High School journey. 这个活动旨在为学生提供他们在高中第一年茁壮成长所需的工具.
The event will start at 4:00 pm and end at 7:00 pm. Students will engage in various activities, including:
- 见到他们的老师,
- Familiarizing themselves with campus navigation,
- Participating in a study skills workshop with daily planners, and
- 参加由我们尊敬的WCHS学生大使领导的同侪导师小组会议.
此外, students will receive their class schedules, 储物柜作业, chrome笔记本, 和课本, setting them up for a successful start.
家长将有一个特别的见面和问候的机会,从6点到7点,由主办 Parent Teacher Fellowship group.
教科书 & Chromebook退房
- Tuesday, 8月20日 (9th Grade 只有)→待定
- Tuesday, August 27th (all grades) → 4 to 6 pm
Tuesday, August 27th - 5:30 to 7 pm | Back to School BBQ
- Our Back to School BBQ is Tuesday, August 27th, from 5:30 to 7:00pm! 加入我们的美味的食物和社区,我们进入即将到来的新学年的兴奋. Burgers and hot dogs will be served. If you have any dietary restrictions, please plan accordingly.
8月27日(周二)晚7:00 - 8:30 |新生迎新活动及家长迎新活动
- Following the Back to School BBQ on Tuesday, August 27th, our 新生迎新 (在球场上)和 父母取向 (in the auditorium) will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:30pm.
Tuesday, August 27th - 7:00 - 8:00 pm | 高级项目家长会
- Following the Back to School BBQ on Tuesday, August 27th, the 高级项目家长会 will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:00pm. 这个会议将在图书馆举行,并将提供有关您的学生将在来年做的高级项目的有用信息.
*Click here to view the complete Year at a Glance
First Day of School | Tuesday, September 3rd
Picture Day | Thursday, September 5th
Mr. Ball creates each student's academic schedule. 他应该是你的学生关于日程安排的任何问题的第一个联系人, such as adding or dropping a class. Mr. Ball also hosts our annual "Going to College" seminars for parents.
大卫•亨利 体育指导员
Mr. 亨利 is the main point of contact for any athletic questions. 计划参加今年夏季或秋季任何调节活动的学生将需要有一个 OSAA实物表格 由医生填写.
我们的WCHS拼车地图正在直播! Each year, Westside 生产s a carpool map for our families. 这可以让你找到在相似地区的家庭,提供拼车的机会.
You can find our 2024-25 拼车地图 on our website through RenWeb (家庭的门户, which is the graduation cap icon). 进入家庭门户后,点击下拉菜单中的“学校”,然后点击“资源文档”。. You should be able to find the map there.
Shortcut: 家庭的门户 > School > Resource Documents > 2024-25 拼车地图
每年每个年级将选出两名学生代表他们的班级. 如果你对STUCO感兴趣,并通过为学生活动提供意见来服务你的班级, 这是给你的. Elections will be held in the second week of school. 这三个学校活动都是由STUCO策划的:秋季嘉年华、赛迪·霍金斯和舞会. 他们每年还会举办两到三次班级聚会,包括滑雪管等活动, 鹿兄鼠弟等方, 打保龄球, 电影之夜, 游戏之夜, 卡拉ok等等.
This team focuses on the spiritual life of the student body. If you would like to make an impact for Christ among the students, this is a way to foster discipleship among your peers. 你将能够使用主赐给你的才能,在社区之夜和教堂等活动中工作.
SMT是一个通过精神生活和学生领导为西区社区服务的绝佳机会. If you are at all interested in joining this team, please look over the job description and fill out an application (点击这里了解更多信息).
These students are selected to represent WCHS at a variety of events, 其中包括开放日, 返校之夜, and guides for new students and other outreach to the community. 如果你性格外向,喜欢结识新朋友,这对你来说是一个很好的机会.
You can be a student ambassador by contacting Mr. Housley.
Electives and Extracurriculars
西区基督教的获奖音乐节目是全州最好的合唱团和乐队. 西区学生有四种不同的音乐课:西区之声, 管乐团, Soli Deo Gloria, 点燃敬拜团队. 西城每年举办两场音乐会,突出所有西城音乐学生. 西区的乐队和合唱团参加全州3A级别的比赛.
联系 Mr. 狐狸, Westside's 音乐 Director, with any questions.
Westside offers 12 sports programs that compete at OSAA's 3A level. Westside Christian strongly encourages each student to be involved at WCHS, 这让我们的学生能够尝试新事物并积极参与社区活动.
您可以通过万博3.0安卓客户端下载的体育主任了解更多关于下面概述的计划 Mr. 亨利.
西城为所有水平和对艺术感兴趣的学生提供许多不同的艺术课程. 学生可以从艺术入门开始参加2D设计课程,并通过高级艺术工作, up to AP studio art and 3D design, in which students develop portfolios. 学生还可以选修数字设计,学习Photoshop和Illustrator的技能. 最后, Westside提供年鉴课程,让学生有机会代表他们在Westside的一年.
Westside started a theatre program in 1987. 学生每年都有机会参加话剧、独幕剧和音乐剧. It is an extracurricular opportunity that allows students to act, 生产, 集设计, 服装, and provide technological support. Theatre is a great way to get involved in a community and try something new.
If you have questions about our theatre program, contact Ms. 普林格尔.
Access your 家庭的门户 online by visiting: http://ws-or.client.renweb.com/pwr/. 这允许您访问您的学生的时间表,成绩,西区基督教公告和更多.
We encourage every family to get involved in the Westside Community. PTF是一个很好的方式来了解全年的活动和以不同的方式做志愿者.
We have most of our offered courses on the list, 虽然有些课程我们还没有收到具体的供应清单. 一个好的经验法则是为你的学生的每节课准备一个笔记本. You can access the school supply list above.
访问: http://cw.qx9892.com/community-life/forms.cfm for any WCHS School forms you need to complete, these include Pre-Arranged Absence Forms, Activity Forms (such as physicals), 和更多的.